Monday, March 23, 2009

Update at Last!!

Well, only managed 4 tournies since the last update, The £300 at DTD, £20k guaranteed at EQ , £100 f/o at EQ and £100 f/o at Luton.

Firstly, the £300 at DTD : Just couldnt really get going in this one. Was up to 18k quite quickly but nothing went right, no major hands just lots of small pots lost. Eventually busted late in day 1 - only the 3rd time not making day 2 in this I think so very disapoiting tbh.
With the structure (best in UK by a mile for me) this comp is one of my regulars.

£20k guaranteed at Equal Chance : I have missed quite a few of these comps due to other committments, so I was eager to play this again. It has changed slightly as it is now 10k chips for £200, 10k more for another £100 and another 10k more for £50. So VERY deep stacked comp - just what I like.
Totally dominated my table day 1 and was sitting pretty on 85k with one level to go but had someone make (imo) a very bad call against me. I raised in late position and got called from the button. The board came K 10 2 two spades. I check call the guys bet. Turn is another low brick and again I check call. The river comes Q spades completing ALL the draws. Now I bet out a just under pot size bet and get snap called by 77. What was his thought process? I dont know, but I lost a chunk there and finished the day with 68k - still comfortable though.
So onto day 2 and I played like a complete nob from start to finish. My first big error came with JJ. Facing a 3xBB raise from EP I just flatted behind giving the BB the obligatory call as well. flop 773 BB checks, EP raiser makes it 8k and now re raise to 20k only to find the BB now re re raising me. PASS PASS - how badly to play that hand :( and yes the BB had a 7 - so that was 25k+ gone. My next mistake came when I raised again from MP to 3xBB and got a call from the BB. Check Check on an Ace high flop - just criminal! The BB then bets 6k on the turn - very week and I pick up an up n down str8 draw. I just flat behind - even worse!! But when the river bricked and it was checked to me, for some reason I checked behind and lost to 55 - so so so bad play by me and I exited soon after. Really disapointed with myself for day 2's play - was so bad it was untrue.
Next was a £100 f/o at Equal Chance - with only 38 runners, was never going to be a big prize pool but the place holds alot of appeal. No major trouble for me in this and I make FT with good chips. Unfortunately it got crapshooty very quickly and I end up busting 3rd for £500.
£100 f/o at Luton had 60 runners so a nice £2k first prize. Again no trouble accumulating chips in this but again with 2 tables left, the AV stack was 12 BB. This time I got lucky a few times (I also got unlucky though against smaller stacks when I had them dominated). Anyway, the final table (and indeed the whole tourney) was played in good spirits and with Alfie on the table, it was always going to be fun. He said he wanted to win, but I told him he would need to aim for 2nd so he wasnt disapointed lol. Well eventually we get heads up and he does indeed settle for 2nd.
So my first live win of the year - hopefully many more to come!


Blogger Rusty said...

Well done on the win Paul

4:02 AM  

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